Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dennise's Vignette

There’s something about little kids that I love! Their innocent ways of cheering you up and how their little gesture can change your mood. I’ve always wanted a baby sister or brother, my mom always said I will soon enough, but that seemed like forever. I was always a little bit envious because most of my friends had siblings that were so adorable their little faces, tiny bodies and their smiles were to die for.  I wanted a baby to take care of. Until finally one day I came home and I got the big news! My aunt was going to have a baby girl! I was in 5th grade when I found out I was so exited, even though I would have loved my mom to be the one having the baby I was still happy because there was going to be a lovely little girl in my house. 

They say that nine months go by fast, but for me it seemed like forever! Everyday that passed seemed like weeks. I grew more and more anxious awaiting for the baby girl to finally come. Finally, summer vacation. I stayed home with my aunt everyday taking care of her. One day I was outside riding my bright pink bike the air was so fresh and the day was just beautiful. Suddenly my mom said it was time! I was ecstatic I wouldn’t stop jumping up and down. We rushed her to the hospital but they didn’t let me in I was frustrated because I didn’t know what was going on. Finally a couple of hours later they let me see that new baby girl, her name was Shania, she was so angelic, the cutest thing I’ve seen in my life. She was extremely lovely her rosy cheeks, beautiful curls and her shiny brown eyes captivated me, everything about her was perfect. I could wait to take her home so I could play with her, two days later we finally took her home I helped my aunt put on a beautiful  yellow dress on her and we went home.  

Taking care of her was the best thing ever I gave her the bottle I learned a lot about babies and the experience was amazing. I could do anything but change her diaper. I would always say “ewwww that’s disgusting” I just couldn’t do it. The months passed by so quickly before I knew it she was learning how to walk and beginning to talk a little bit. Shania is now five yeas old I love her but she drives me insane from time to time. She likes to listen to my conversations and say I have more than 100 boyfriends. 

Even though she can drive me crazy she’s nice too, her little ways of making me feel better always works. I love her above everything. 

The Writing Craft: Theme

While reading The House on Mango Street, we have noticed a major theme developed throughout the story. Maturity was one of many themes that caught our attention. It shows Esperanza's progress from childhood to adulthood.

The concept of being mature was expressed throughout the book, especially in the story, "The Family of Little Feet." Esperanza, Rachel, and Lucy received a pair of what seemed to be their very first pair of high heels. They were so excited when they got the shoes. When they placed them on their feet, instantly they felt older and more mature. Men were already glancing at them. "Your mother know you wear shoes like that?" Mr. Benny stated to them. The girls started to walk in them and they realized that they looked amazing in them. "Today we are Cinderella because our feet fit exactly." At that moment, the girls left the childhood state, and entered adulthood. Eventually, they took off the heels and hid them becasue they disliked the attention. That showed them all that they don't need shoes to define who they are.

Esperanza thought about what womanhood will bring, and what it would be like. But, she didn't truly understand that womanhood has it's responsibilities and problems. Esperanza always looks for role models who can help become more adult like, like Marin. Esperanza meets Marin and she immediately starts to like her. Not because of her personality, but because she does many adult things, like smoking. Marin also enjoys hanging around the boys and impressing them with her body. "What matters, Marin says is for the boys to see us and for us to see them." Esperanza wants boys to look at her and wants a boyfriend who can love her, just like Marin.

Another theme in The House on Mango Street is the concept of home. Esperanza desperately wants that home where she can feel safe and secure, but she never felt that in her life. Throughout the book, Esperanza looks elsewhere for  the love and security. In the beginning of the book, Esperanza wants a new house, one that isn't old and broken down. But, as the book goes on Esperanza soon realizes that the house is part of her and she learns that she should be herself no matter the circumstances.

-Chelsea and Sidney

Gina's Vignette

I basically stood there with an amazed look on my face as he passed by me. The way he walked, so confident and cute made me smile in a way that made me feel different inside. I realized then that I may have a little bit of a crush on him, I wasn't sure why, but I felt he was so attractive and just perfect.

During classes, I asked my two best friends if they knew him and luckily they did. His name fit his appearance and when I began to think about his name, I would just tingle inside.

I was headed to my math class when all of a sudden I felt a tug on my book bag, it was my friend who I loved dearly, but could be annoying at times. I begged him to get off, but he just wouldn't let go so I just went along with it. We walked a bit more and there he was walking closer towards me and my friend. Luckily, my friend went to chase another girl as the boy, who I had a crush on, walked closer and closer. I kept on walking, like any other student trying to get to class, when all of a sudden he smiles and says, "Hey." I smiled and walked by him. I had no idea why I didnt reply back, but it was too late because he was already headed up the stairs.

For the rest of the day I couldn't really keep my mind off him and a couple of times my day-dreams would be about him.

A few hours passed by and I was on my laptop when I finally came to realize that he messaged me. My mind went blank of all thoughts and I was concerned on him. I had no idea what to say, until it came to my mind, " Which is worse, keeping my love for someone a secret or telling them and risk being rejected?"

 I wasn't sure what to do next, but then I just told him I had a crush on him. Half an hour passed and when all hope was lost, a message popped up saying, "I like you too." My heart filled with joy and excitement. I felt so happy to find out that he liked me.

Ever since that day him and I have gotten close enough to know a lot about each other and he is better than I had imagined.