Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dennise's Vignette

There’s something about little kids that I love! Their innocent ways of cheering you up and how their little gesture can change your mood. I’ve always wanted a baby sister or brother, my mom always said I will soon enough, but that seemed like forever. I was always a little bit envious because most of my friends had siblings that were so adorable their little faces, tiny bodies and their smiles were to die for.  I wanted a baby to take care of. Until finally one day I came home and I got the big news! My aunt was going to have a baby girl! I was in 5th grade when I found out I was so exited, even though I would have loved my mom to be the one having the baby I was still happy because there was going to be a lovely little girl in my house. 

They say that nine months go by fast, but for me it seemed like forever! Everyday that passed seemed like weeks. I grew more and more anxious awaiting for the baby girl to finally come. Finally, summer vacation. I stayed home with my aunt everyday taking care of her. One day I was outside riding my bright pink bike the air was so fresh and the day was just beautiful. Suddenly my mom said it was time! I was ecstatic I wouldn’t stop jumping up and down. We rushed her to the hospital but they didn’t let me in I was frustrated because I didn’t know what was going on. Finally a couple of hours later they let me see that new baby girl, her name was Shania, she was so angelic, the cutest thing I’ve seen in my life. She was extremely lovely her rosy cheeks, beautiful curls and her shiny brown eyes captivated me, everything about her was perfect. I could wait to take her home so I could play with her, two days later we finally took her home I helped my aunt put on a beautiful  yellow dress on her and we went home.  

Taking care of her was the best thing ever I gave her the bottle I learned a lot about babies and the experience was amazing. I could do anything but change her diaper. I would always say “ewwww that’s disgusting” I just couldn’t do it. The months passed by so quickly before I knew it she was learning how to walk and beginning to talk a little bit. Shania is now five yeas old I love her but she drives me insane from time to time. She likes to listen to my conversations and say I have more than 100 boyfriends. 

Even though she can drive me crazy she’s nice too, her little ways of making me feel better always works. I love her above everything. 

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